How to Become a Developer

How to Become a Developer

In today’s technology-dependent world, development skills for websites, mobile apps, and software has become one of the most sought after professions in the market.

It’s natural to be taken aback when first learning about software development, as there are various frameworks and programming languages used for different platforms and purposes.

This can give the impression that you need a lot of technical knowledge to become a developer. However, the advancement of technology has simplified the development process, and it’s now easier than ever to get started.

Plus, you can earn a handsome salary along the way! There are three main types of development, namely for websites, mobile apps, and software.

Read on to find out the steps to take to become a developer yourself!

Web Development

If you want to become a web developer, you need to be clear about the role. A web developer creates and maintains websites.

An increasing number of businesses have moved their products to online channels instead of physical markets in the digital age. This shows the importance of having an in-demand skill set, such as web development.

There are three main types of development for websites, each with their unique functions.

The first is front-end development, which focuses on the interface and design of the site. Some of the common languages and tools used for front-end development include Node JS, React.JS, and Ractive.

Using these tools makes the website asynchronous, which means there is less delay for user inputs, and the website runs faster as a result.  Backend development deals with servers, applications, databases, and other parts of the process not visible to users.

The programming language used in this process depends on the choice of platforms, as PHP is used for Linux, while is preferred for Windows. Other commonly used programming languages used in web development are HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

The third is full-stack development, which combines the two processes into a single one. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the basics of your chosen programming language, you can begin the web development process.

Mobile App Development

Mobile devices have become increasingly important to our daily lives in the past few years. Our interactions with mobile devices are usually centered on the usage of a few applications.

Mobile apps are a lucrative development market for programmers and software professionals. The two popular platforms for mobile app development are iOS from Apple and Android from Google.

If you want to become a mobile app developer, you need to decide the platform to develop your app. This is because each platform has its unique programming languages and development tools.

To create mobile apps for iOS, you need to learn either Swift or Objective C. The programming language you should choose will depend on your needs.

If you want to create your app from scratch, Swift is the better option. If you’re looking to maintain an existing app or software, Objective C offers better resources and tools for this purpose.

To develop mobile apps for Android, the most popular programming languages are Android SDK, Java, and Kotlin.

Android development differs from iOS as numerous devices support Android apps, while iOS apps are only designed for Apple products. However, the advantage this gives is that you can reach a broader potential customer base with Android. 

To learn more about mobile app development, a great place to start is the official libraries for iOS and Android app development provided by Apple and Google, respectively. These contain numerous tutorials, videos, and other resources to facilitate your app development journey. 

Software Development

If you want to become a software developer, there are a few options to explore. If you are serious about pursuing software development as a career, you can look into getting a Computer Science degree.

This is an industry with a lot of growth potential, so it can be worth dedicating four years to learn this skill comprehensively. However, there are alternatives you can explore.

The main thing you need to become a competent software developer is to learn some popular programming languages and how they function.

While there are various languages to choose from, each with its benefits and drawbacks, some of the most often used are C++, Java, Ruby, and Python.

The choice of language will influence the type of software you can create.

Ruby is an excellent starting point, as its simplified design means you don’t need to know any programming commands to begin your development. It also features a large resource hub containing tutorials for further development.

Java is a universal language, as it is open-source software. This means that there are no associated costs with its development, and its user-friendly design makes software creation easier by making it easy to implement over multiple platforms.


Whether for web or mobile apps, software development is an essential skill in today’s technologically advanced world.

it can help you also build an internet blog or to be an Instagram influencer

Moreover, there is untapped potential in this industry, as the number of computing jobs in the market far outweighs the current number of software developers.

Research has shown a potential opportunity of $500 billion in the computer science industry, so learning these essential programming skills can have a massive payoff for interested individuals.

It’s now easier than ever to get started on your software development journey, and you can utilize many resources at minimal cost to master these complex development tools. Good luck!

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